Osbourn High School Homecoming Dance

Osbourn High School Homecoming Dance

By In School Events On October 23, 2015

OHS dances have grown tremendously in just a few short years. They sold more tickets than they ever have in previous years! OHS has a no zero policy for students to attend their dances. If any student has a zero in any assignment for their classes they are not allowed to buy tickets. The teachers have noticed a huge push from students working harder to not receive any zeros because they are so excited to attend their homecoming dance. This is our goal, to make students excited for their school dances and make it something they look forward to. We want to bring excitement back into school dances and get rid of the “boring” dance stigma.

We brought out the over the stage setup with huge video screens, confetti cannons, Co2 cannons, and much more! We used the media wall on the huge video screens for students to use the hashtag #OHShoco for photos and song requests on twitter and instagram. Of course we had MC Elixir partying with us and using the hand held cannon blaster!

We did something new for us and setup the Photo Booth inside the room with the party instead of in the lobby or another room as in previous years. This made for an awesome backdrop and let the students keep partying with everyone as they took pictures! We think this might start a trend for our photo booths! All the Photo Booth pictures can be found here or down below at the link!


There was a lot of excitement going on at OHS during their homecoming. Osbourn graduate and Dallas Cowboy Lucky Whitehead came for a visit to help raise money for the alumni association. Also Channel 4 NBC Washington was at OHS homecoming game on Friday night covering the crowning of the homecoming King and Queen. Check out the article they wrote about Alex Sanches being crowned.

Check out the photos and video below! We had a blast partying with OHS!

Osbourn High School 2015 Homecoming Recap

Check out the Photobooth Pictures from OHS HoCo 2015!

Key Things to Know!

[TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-music” color=”#27bdea” margin_right=”14″ font_size=”14″]Incredible DJ and MC[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List]
[TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-share” color=”#27bdea” margin_right=”14″ font_size=”14″]Concert Lighting & Uplighting[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List]
[TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-volume-up” color=”#27bdea” margin_right=”14″ font_size=”14″]Concert Sound & Atmosphere[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List]
[TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-camera” color=”#27bdea” margin_right=”14″ font_size=”14″]Photobooth Pictures[/TS-VCSC-Icon-List]
[TS-VCSC-Icon-List icon=”ts-awesome-star” color=”#27bdea” margin_right=”14″ font_size=”14″]Students & Administration Approved [/TS-VCSC-Icon-List]

#JJDJ #OHShoco

[TS-VCSC-Social-Icons seperator_1=”” icon_style=”circle” icon_background=”#81d742″ icon_frame_color=”#3d3d3d” seperator_4=”” seperator_2=”” email=”[email protected]” facebook=”www.facebook.com/jjdjentertainment” instagram=”www.instagram.com/jjdjentertainment/” pinterest=”www.pinterest.com/tcaniford/” twitter=”www.twitter.com/johncaniford” youtube=”www.youtube.com/user/johncaniford” seperator_3=””]

About the Author

Tracy Caniford

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