Homecoming Tour 2011 – Rockin’ the Dust Off the Rafters

Homecoming Tour 2011 – Rockin’ the Dust Off the Rafters

By In School Events On September 21, 2011

We kicked off our Homecoming Tour 2011 early this year with Sherando High School. We packed up the truck and trailer in the morning and headed out to Stephens City, Virginia. We decided to run an “H” shaped rig on the stage with us along with two totems on opposite sides on the stage.  This set-up was awesome looking, but it definitely took longer than other ones. It was about 5 hours total to set-up and program lights before the event started.  We had a total of 4 Q-Spots 260’s, 10 Blizzard Q6’s and 3 Chauvet Colorstrips.

We had so many wash lights that it lit up the entire gym. We had 4 speakers along with our 2 Yorkville subs. These subs were rockin’ the gym so much that the doors from the outside of the gym were vibrating!

Once the homecoming dance started we were rockin’ the entire place. There were about 1,000+ students and they all were dancing all night long. We threw out 500+ glow sticks to the students and they went nuts. Check out a few of our videos! It was an awesome way to start the new school year!

So for everyone who hasn’t been able to experience a JJDJ School Dance, we are booking up our “2012 Prom Tour” Below is our promo video! Be sure to contact us today at [email protected]

About the Author

John Caniford

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